MCKim: Knights Templar images

For those of you who follow my other blog or my online newsletter The Masonic Art Exchange Newsletter, you will be aware I am a huge fan of the digital art of Stephen McKim. (There is a great introduction to Stephen by his friend Carson Smith in issue 4 of the newsletter

Templar Cross ©Stephen McKim

Hailing from Indiana (via Scotland if he had his own way) Stephen produces some of  the if not THE best Masonic Art on the web. But he is not limited to just what is called ‘the Craft’ he also creates many images for the other appendent bodies which of course includes the Knights Templar.

Every so often he will send me a beautiful image via email. But you can find loads of his work on his web site. I want to just take a moment to say I have received permission form Stephen to use his images and I totally beleive that copyright is a very important thing.

Templars Riding ©Stephen McKim

I know that when I spend a few hours on a picture or text project it rages me when someone comes along and uses the images without.

  1. Permission.

  2. Giving due credit.

Some of the images Stephen creates take well over 100 hours to complete and are made up of many many seperate images themnselves. So I would say please enjoy Stephens work, share it if you like but only via the links to his page and under the copyright rules he has posted at the bottom of his home page.

Knight Templar ©Stephen McKim

If you do like his work drop him a note and say so or why not just pop a fiver in his paypal account his work is beautiful.

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